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Blog de Pablo Roux
03 de Mayo, 2010 · General

To identify adjacent opportunities

Today in his blog Seth Godin asks the following retorical question:

What if a rift in the time-space continuum changed the universe and it was suddenly impossible to get new customers, new readers, new donors or new viewers?

...To identify adjacent opportunities could be a possible answer.

Those like me whose jobs are in the Transport industry should ask what passengers who arrive or depart from the airport/station are doing in the time inmediatly before and after?: Reading,browsing the internet,using an automatic cashier dispenser, buying a gift, visiting a museum, etc.

a book-shop or a tickets dispenser located there can attract customers.

You can identify a cross-selling oportunity if it interacts with another product or service right before interacting with yours.The rule is a great way to see the big picture and identify adjacents opportunities

Many luxury brands  have understood the commercial potential of airports. Some have even launched special editions of products unavailable in other outlets; for example there is a company that every season launches a special perfume for sale only in airports.

Savings in the ticket price may be counterbalanced by the long hours company executives spend in boarding queues, check in desks, and waiting for delayed flights, missed connections, etc.

Palabras claves , , ,
publicado por pabloroux a las 17:02 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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Pablo Roux

► Aviation Consultant & Professional ► Entrepreneur ► Experienced Transportation Executive

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