It is now time to put an end to the restrictions on liquids, aerosols and gels, (LAGs)
From 6 November 2006 liquids can only be taken passed security checkpoints in the following cases:
► Those in containers with a maximum capacity of 100 ml into a transparent plastic bag with a maximum capacity of 1 litre.
► Those necessary during journeys for medical or dietary reasons
► Those purchased in shops located past the security checkpoints of EU- airport,other authorised or in an aircraft of a EU-airline, properly packaged and unopened until the final destination.
Good news!!! According to EU regulation 297/2010 moving from banning liquids to any kind of screening for liquids should be achieved by 29 April 2013,
From 29 th april 2013 all EU-airports should have the capability to screen liquids, aerosols and gels as carry-on baggage.This way, airports would be able to facilitate the carriage of LAGs by departing passengers.
The task for Eu-members airports is now to choose the screening technologies to be deployed and operated most effectively and efficiently.