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Blog de Pablo Roux
19 de Abril, 2010 · General

Decision Making: 4 Steps to Better Results

Making decisions is a need, an obligation and a responsibility. Although one can never be certain to attain a desired target.

Deciding the right way matters!, though, individuals and organizations won’t respond of results but of decision-making process.

Today, April 19th, The International Air Transport Association (IATA) sharply Criticize European Governments for their lack of leadership in handling Airspace Restrictions in light of the Icelandic volcano eruption and urged to re-think of the decision-making process.

IATA criticized Europe’s unique methodology of closing airspace based on theoretical modeling of the ash cloud. Asking Governments to base decisions on risk-management, facts and utilizing operational procedures that maintain safety. “Risk assessments should be able to help us re-open certain corridors, if not entire airspaces,” said Mr. Bisignani.

It is obvious that before making a choice we must think about the negative consequences. It is always important to prepare and anticipate possible negative effects of the option made.

Never take a risky decision to avoid an unpleasant situation, because in the end you can come out crushed.

In the book “Iceberg a la vista “ Principles for making decisions, Miguel A. Ariño and Pablo Maella presents ten principles or rules for right decision making. I’ve found particularly interesting some of them:

- Prioritize the good decisions over and above any success or outcome. It is difficult to understand that a good decision is not to bring good outcome. According IATA The Volcano airlines crisis is costing at least € 150 million a day in lost Revenue (I do not know how much it is costing to airports) may involve more 2,000 million in losses for the sector, according to the CAPA (Center of Asia Pacific Aviation) in Sydney, is the world's leading producer of airline, airport, and aviation reports and analysis.

- Be clear about the goals to achieve, before making a decision. In this case Safety is top priority but at the focus must be placed in safely re-open Europe's skies. If you do not know where we go, having a map is to become enlightened fools.

- Filter information and act realistically. It is frequent People make a subjective interpretation of reality. In the volcano crisis IATA criticized Europe’s unique methodology of closing airspace based on theoretical modeling of the ash cloud. “This means that governments have not taken their responsibility to make clear decisions based on facts. And these decisions have been taken without adequately consulting the airlines.

- Implement decisions accepting the consequences.

Never judge your past decisions with the information you have in the present, "is self-defeating

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Pablo Roux

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