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Blog de Pablo Roux
13 de Abril, 2010 · General

Tell me about yourself! Walk me through your resumé!

Next Thursday I'm going to be interviewed for a job.  Tell me about yourself! is one of the most asked question in an job interview. The resume gets me in the door, but it is the interview that will close the deal. 

Tell me about yourself! The former is a typical behavorial-based interview question. I've got a receipt to answer behavorial-based question e.g.: the STAR method : Situation, Task, Action, Resolution. Begin going through the situation , then describe the task that you have had to complete. Continue by describing the plan that you took in order to complete the task, and close with the resolution : what was the result of your actions, and lessons learned. 
The objective of the interviewer is to know why you would create value for the company. Starting from oldest resume entry to newest, a wise approach would consist in underlining for each job your most proud professional experience highlighting only one thing that represented the most value to the company. 

The interviewer only wants to hear the most important part of each of your experiences so try to be concise. The twist on the question is in the time constraints. The key is to keep the interviewer interested, while expressing all of the most important details. I like to plan on roughly 20-30 seconds or so per experience. In other words, 1 minute for education, 20 seconds for each of your work experiences and l minute or so total for any efforts/extras - total roughly 3-4 minutes.

I'll say it anyway you should absolutely know your resume backwards and forwards

Palabras claves , , , , ,
publicado por pabloroux a las 17:41 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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Pablo Roux

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