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Blog de Pablo Roux
21 de Abril, 2010 · General


If you love writing or making music or blogging or a lipdubbing or any sort of performing art then do it.

Blogging is telling a story as you see it, without a filter, you own it, manage it and control it, but with a twist -it's two way. This channel connects you to a noisy ragged global conversation: the blogosphere.

While procastrinating in blogosphere I've discovered lipdubs.

From Wikipedia lipdub is a video that combines lip synching and audio dubbing to make a music video.

Lip dubs are done in a single unedited shot that travels through different rooms and situations in, say, an building or university campus.

Tom Johnson, a writer who blogs about the latest trends in communication in "I'd rather be writing", describes a good lip dub as having the characteristics, or at least the appearance, of:

spontaneity: "It appears as if someone thought up the idea on the spot, pulled out their personal video camera, and said hey everyone, let's all lip sync this song."

authenticity: The people, production and situation appear real.

participation: "The video doesn't consist of one person's spectacular lip sync, but that of a group, all participating together in this one spontaneous effort, which seems to communicate the attitude and mood of the song."

fun: the people in the video are having a lot of fun.

Currently the record for the biggest Lip dub to date it is a University of Navarra University LipDub.Nearly 400 people took part in the lipdub of the University of Navarra. The shooting was made in 3 takes.

Their idea idea is to show how the most veteran School of Communication in Spain might be, at the same time, the funniest place to learn too.

Palabras claves , , , , ,
publicado por pabloroux a las 18:31 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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Pablo Roux

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