The following quote to be attributed to a philosopher whose name I don't remember: "who does not apply new remedies must expect new evils, because time is the best of innovators".
Goodman's concept of innovation is especially attractive it adds the locus variable and requires novelty of innovation. According to Goodman, the Steve Jobs' Ipad should only be considered an innovation from the moment it shows a super-hit.
I must confess that I have a certain weakness for Coimbatore Krishnarao Prahalad that in the year 2009 and this is the second consecutive time - the first was in 2007 - ranked No. 1 in "The Thinker 50" list (created in 2001 by Des Dearlove and Stuart Craine) . Prahalad is the author of numerous books and an iconoclastic essay on business as the most effective way to eradicate poverty. He is co-author with G. Hamel of "Strategy As A Field Of Study: Why Search For A New Paradigm." (today this produce is obsolete). In "The new era of innovation", a much more recently book, Prahalad introduces the co-creation term, a construct that refers to the direct involvement of customer in product development. This concept is used by "platforms" as Worthideas, ideas4all ® and very well publicized for example in Gizzmag . The second big idea is the customer experience: show customers everything they can have and gain by means of the product or service you sell. Thirdly, the individual is important, communities and the mouth to mouth, interaction in general (that Seth Godin explains so well in his book "Tribes") and the interactions between these communities and corporations are cardinal if we want to create value ("value for money"). From "Strategy As A Field Of Study: Why Search For A New Paradigm" (1994) which as based on a vision centered on the corporation and the product we switch to a paradigm focused on experience and co-creation value.